
Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

我覺得 對歌手而言




Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough


但Don Henley聲音還是很迷人

Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

Now, I don't want to lose you

but I don't want to use you

just to have somebody by my side.

And I don't want to hate you,

I don't want to take you

but I don't want to be the one to cry.

And that don't really matter to anyone anymore.

But like a fool I keep losing my place

and I keep seeing you walk through that door.


But there's a danger in loving somebody too much,

and it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust.

There's a reason why people don't stay where they are.

Baby, sometimes, love just aint enough.

Now, I could never change you

I don't want to blame you.

Baby, you don't have to take the fall.

Yes, I may have hurt you, but I did not desert you.

Maybe I just want to have it all.

It makes a sound like thunder

it makes me feel like rain.

And like a fool who will never see the truth,

I keep thinking something's gonna change.


And there's no way home

when it's late at night and you're all alone.

Are there things that you wanted to say?

And do you feel me beside you in your bed,

there beside you, where I used to lay?

And there's a danger in loving somebody too much,

and it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.

There's a reason why people don't stay who they are.

Baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.

Baby, sometimes, love... it just ain't enough.

Oh, Oh, Oh, No




「 客家人米食文化原本就很獨特,像粄條、米苔目,或是發粿,但是將花生與米結合的傳統客家花生豆腐更特別,除了吃原味,淋上醬油膏、撒蔥薑蒜末,或加上用蒜頭爆香的蝦米、菜脯與碎肉,甚至當成甜點,都各有好滋味。 」光看 洪震宇 的《 旅人的食材曆 》中這段描述,就讓我口角生津,可惜找遍台北住處附近菜市場,難求花生豆腐。   後來上網 google作法,發現 這篇文章 ,更讓我迫不及待想撲到美濃一嚐究竟(可惜的是,後來並沒有到菜市場去)。

買│台北師大商圈.買la diseño的靴子要百思➹

原本我對這家店的印象很好,店內有許多有趣的玩意、獨具設計感的商品。即便是我很生氣的現在,我也還是覺得這間店值得一逛。 2009/10/24,老陳找我去逛師大夜市買老白的禮物,本來沒打算要買什麼,直到我看到一雙我頗喜歡的靴子,它有我一直在尋找的鞋底,加上外型簡單、顏色也合我意,便有了想買的心情。

作品.§0 寫在開始之前

這個專欄是因應課程要求而設,如果不是想要學分,我可能 拖 了好幾年 都不會動工。 任由這些雜亂無章、沒有條理的心得繼續留在腦袋中發酵。 不過,寫出來又何妨?或許還有被看見的可能。 在這次的作業中,我所做的不過就是結合我的觀察、打工心得、上課所學所寫的幾篇文章。 一方面是交作業,另一方面是自我的實踐與實驗。 此外也想透過痞客幫的功能,檢視文章是否具有實用價值。   (圖說: 「誰連結我」 的功能,可看出是透過什麼連結、關鍵字搜尋到此部落格)     這一次的主題 以移工、新移民族群 為主,目的是希望能讓大家了解所我觀察到的移工、移民。 當然我本身的了解也是不足的,起碼希望能做到「 正視自己心中的偏見 」的地步。 畢竟就某種程度而言,我們的生活都太封閉了……。     以下是本次實驗的目錄 ㄩㄝˋ語課 (了解從認識開始) 他/她所身處的陌生世界 (台灣人的偏見)   越南女性都很瘦? (文化層面,含新聞比對)   從打外勞很好玩? (誇張事實) 從「我要休假」到「還沒休假」 (移工的血淚) 四方來春 (側寫四方報)   以後我成為記者的機率不高(有鑑於我的腳),但我想,繳了4年學費不能白費,就算是個小小的部落格,我還是想實驗看看自己所寫的東西是否有存在的價值。 畢竟林宇玲老師都語重心長的要我們思考: 「我們作為記者,不論是拿筆或拿相機,究竟對這世界能做什麼有益之事?」 部落格,對我而言是一個很好的實驗場域,也許我會 就 這樣一直寫下去,透過我的眼、我的筆,寫出我所認知到的世界。 拜託請各位被我強迫或自願性觀看文章的人留言,讓我知道你們的想法,謝謝!(如果有錯字礙眼,也請幫我挑一下!感恩~)